
Monday, February 14, 2011


My name is Janis Maslovskis, no matter what I do in my everyday life but now I have decided that want to build a boat, a wooden boat. I chose a design called Petrel, a 16ft sloop, drawings published in some 60-ies era diy magazine.
All materials I can get locally, have my own pine forest, my bro has a carpenter/cabineter company, plywood factory is nearby, almost ideal...
The only thing, I am still looking for a place to do it. Trying to rent a garage under my condo.

This is how it could look... maybe... well... at least my mom would say it is about the same.

1 comment:

  1. Hi JM,
    I sent you an email last week,glad to hear that you are building a Petrel,theyre a great boat. Very safe,good fun,will get up to good speed & will also plane & also a great family day boat.
    I was out sailing in one yesterday afternoon in Force 5 to 6 winds -up to 28kmph We had her planing & nearly got it surfing on the larger waves.

    As I think I said already I was going to build one myself & had all the research on materials etc & new building methods ready ,when I got a gift of a clinker-lapstrake- 1953 classic sailing dinghy to restore & I was doing that last summer,( launched in August) so I now dont need my own Petrel,I have the use of three of them at any time anyway.

    Basically the CHEAPEST,EASIEST & STRONGEST way is to make the frame patterns out of old plywood-12mm will do.
    Then mark out your panels & fit as per plans & stitch & tape them using nylon cable ties.

    When the hull is complete & all the cable ties sanded off sheath the outside of the hull with BI AXIAL WEAVE 450 gsq M fibreglass cloth.
    Ideally epoxy resin would be the best to use ,but for one tenth of the price you can use Polyester resin (marine grade) I can give you all the suppliers details & they post to Europe too.

    Finish off the final coat of resin with a MICRO BALLOON powder additive for easier sanding ,then turn it over,REMOVE the plywood,fibreglass ALL the inside of the hull,fit a bulkhead forward of the mast,with detatchable panels,I'll show you how to do it ,then fit another bulkhead at the aft of the cockpit & fit a plastic lockable rectangular hatch in that.

    At this stage you can alter the design by making narrower gunwhales ( side decks & fit a box type ply seat lower in cockpit or finish off directly down from side deck coamings to the floor ,& seal, then either finish will provide you with additional bouyancy.
    The latter method is better if you are going to sail her hard as if you do capsize you take in less water & its easier to right the boat as well.
    Get a second hand aluminium Fireball mast & make a 3 metre boom from timber,-EASY-
    Will show you how
    I can also give you details & pricelist for sails from "Hong Kong Sails" they're very cheap & use excellent materials,also they have a big range of colours too.
    Other main factor is the centreboard size shape DONT use the original design,its not designed too well & it makes life akward for the crew tacking,I'll send you plans for one similar to a Wayfarer one & show you how to make it work.
    This way you save a fortune on stainless steel screws & fittings as basicallly you have a composite plywood /fibreglass boat,the beauty of glassing all the plywood is that you dont have to use Marine Grade BS 1088 ordinary class 2 exterior grade will do fine & you save a load of time making & fitting frames plus the cost of materials,the stem can be laminated from strips of 10mm ply.
    Let me know that you have received my emails & if youre on Skype I could talk to you.
    All the best

